Saturday 2 January 2010

Random Photo Time!!

During the holidays, I took some pretty weird pictures. So I thought I would show them to the world :)

My Blurry Christmas Tree

Baubles - you can see my reflection :)

Baubles Again

Melted candle wax. Don't ask why.
Cinnamon Scented Candle. It smells as good as it looks :)

And lastly, one of my Christmas presents, can you guess what it is?

Hopefully I will be taking more photos like this. But for now -Enjoy!

Happy New Year.. (It's not too late to say that, right?)

We're in a new year and it's time for a new start. Yeah right ;)
This Christmas holiday I've really enjoyed being at home with my family. It's the first Christmas I've had in my new home, and I must say it kicked butt.It was really weird because somehow it didn't feel quite like Christmas.
And now here we are in 2010 -time flies when you're having fun.I'm going back to school tomorrow and I really don't want. Not that I don't like seeing my friends,or anything. It just that I loathe the same old school routine. Wake up. Wash. Leave. Learn. Get home. Collapse on bed due to extreme tiredness. Sleep. and of course, wake up again.

And if I have some energy left in me, I'll read, or finally be able take pictures on my new phone (yay!).I have in fact, finished reading Eclipse for the second time, and I've decided that I don't hate Jacob as much as I did before.

Today, I have been looking through some old stuff up in my loft. I found a bunch of revision books, my old Spice Girls lunchbox, a 20 dollar bill and loads of other things.Really, I wasn't intending to find all that stuff- I'm actually looking for a couple of books that I have been renewing for about 3 or 4 months. They need to be returned to library and I'm kinda pushing the limits right now. Soon enough I'll have to pay a BIG fat fine. Oh dear :(

Anyway, check out this song from Forever The Sickest Kids. Have a listen. Go on, I dare you!